You can download "" containing a short example at project download page.
To get the example working, you must replace the passage "INSERTYOURGOOGLEMAPSKEYHERE" in the "maps.html" file from the example with your google maps key. If you don't have a google maps key, you can obtain one at
Please note that as far as I know, you can test the example locally by opening the "maps.html" file in your favorite browser if you have an internet connection, so the code must not be placed on a web server.
To change the default map center and zoom level, you must again modify the "maps.html" file from the
example. The passage map.setCenter(new GLatLng(new GLatLng(48.44673890596188, -123.38882446289062), 12);
contains the
default location coordinates and the zoom level. If you click on the map, not on a marker, the current
location will be shown next to the map part of the browser window.
Locations are places on the map that have a name and can contain photos and text.
To add your own locations to the map, you must modify the "data.xml" file contained in the example. The recommended way is to click on the map to get the location xml element and copy&paste this element into the data element of the "data.xml" file.
You can add photos to a location by adding pictures elements, e.g.
<picture file="img_1490.jpg" date="2006-10-12 14:30" />
Each picture element contains a date and references an image file. The image file must be available and displayable in the browser - it should be a png, jpg or gif image.
Adding text works like adding pictures, but the text must be contained in the "data.xml" file, not
in separate files, e.g. <text date="2006-10-14 20:00">An example text...</text>